From the eighth day after day, I log in the server at eight in the morning, I built the hell gate to start the they use flint, they put a box in front of the plane in hell and a few signs, billboards, engraved on the "October 30, today is your school sports meeting on the day of the closing ceremony, we have been to hell spirit to deal something with a pig, Brought something that might be of use to you." 'Something useful? 'I opened the box next to me and almost said the wrong word.' EMmm... Six Endshadow pearls, twelve... Obsidian, soul Walker and soul Walker golden boots, and three bottles of gunpowder resistant water." After I closed the box, the Organizer Hunt Karen Mills went online. I turned to Mills and said in a happy voice, "Hi, Mills, long time no see." "Long time no see, Lo~" "Just... Why do you have such a long ID? Can't you remove the 'organizer'? I think it means' organizer 'in Chinese." "I don't want to change, too lazy to change." I rolled my eyes and pointed to the jungle trees over there. "Go wank. Call me when you're going down the mine."
After a while, she got the "hard", "EMM... When did you go into the mine?" Ten minutes ago, it was.... When Vera Elizo and Clain Steen came online, did they elope?" "You just eloped!!" Eliza and Caire say angrily, and Claire slaps the table. I'm thinking hP-300, and says, "Does your hand hurt? If it hurts, use flower oil or cold water." Mills laughed. "Old Lo is ruthless and unfeeling." While the three of them were flirting, I was thinking about logging on to A03 next week and going to the hospital, "Mills..... Mills! Listen to me, I next week after logging AO3 want me to find a piece for you, about two people, call DNF, the book is called "heat wave". "Chinese or English?" "The original is in English, but I gave you Chinese." "OK, I can send it." Then Mills logs off, Eliza and Clare hang up, and a few seconds later, "C, I have this server all to myself again."
When I was about to walk toward the door of hell, I heard the voice of Kun again, "C, it's the voice of Kun again... Sure enough, there is a fish in the Northern Sea and its name is Kun." I walked to The unlocked door of hell. When I got there, I dug up quartz and ancient remains while singing about "Four SINS", "Six Infidels", "Seven Chronic Diseases" and "Hit The Road Jack" by German songwriting group 2WEI.
At about half past ten, I dig into 26 pieces of quartz and 12 blocks of ancient remains, I opened the coordinates, to yourself on a piece of paper to write the coordinates of the hell gate in hell, and return to the world, from the point of birth has recently had a floating mountain empty conference room foundation, time eleven point four seven points, had done that I left the server.
Mills: Lo, what were you and her doing?
Me: I was talking to you before.
Mills: Radish head ID.
Me :(picks up mobile phone) watch QQ.
Mills :(opening the picture) oh, thanks, lo.
Me: By the way, laver, don't tell her I gave it to you.
Mills :(weird) oh ~ ~
Me: Fuck!!
在那天过后的第八天,我在上午八点登入服务器,我那天建的地狱门被他们用打火石给启动了,他们在地狱门前面放了一个箱子和几个告示牌,告示牌上刻着,“今天10月30日是你所在学校的运动会的闭幕式当天,我们去过地狱与猪灵交易了一些东西,带了一些可能对你有用的东西。”'有用的东西?'我打开了旁边的箱子,差点说错了脏话,“emmm……六个末影珍珠,十二个…黑曜石,灵魂疾行和灵魂疾行的金靴子,以及三瓶抗火药水。”在我关了箱子之后,Organizer Hunt•Karen•Mills上线,我转过头,用着开心的语气对Mills说:“Hi,Mills,好久不见。”“好久不见啊,老洛~”“就是……你为什么要起这么长的ID,不可以把‘organizer’去掉吗?我看了好像中文意思叫做‘组织者’。”“我不想改,懒得改。”我翻了个白眼,手指指向从那边的丛林树树林,“去撸树吧,你要下矿洞的时候叫我。”
在我将要走向地狱门时,我又听到了鲲的声音,“c,又是鲲的声音……果然,北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。”我走向已经被开启的地狱门,到达地狱后我边挖石英和远古残骸边唱着《四重罪孽》、《六重不忠》、《七重痼病》和德国作曲组合2WEI的《Hit The Road Jack》。