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(叶辰安解决完暗黑生物就离开了迷雾森林至于佛光还要半个时辰才能消散呢,)(Ye Chenan left the misty forest after solving the dark creatures. It will take half an hour for Buddha's light to dissipate.)

叶辰安(真没想到……佛光居然这么厉害刚刚竟然有完事臣服的感觉!爽爆了哈哈哈哈)(I didn't know that ..... Buddha's light was so powerful that it just felt like a complete submission! Great, hahahaha).

姜家卫士小姐,迷雾森林怎么被光笼罩了……真是怪事。Miss, how the misty forest is shrouded in light ... It's strange.

姜琳(认真赶路吧,不然赶不上大朝会了)Go ahead seriously, or you will not be able to catch up with the Great Hall of the People.

姜家卫士(是!)(yes! )

姜琳(佛光第二层……呵呵。看起来很真有缘分啊)(the second floor of Buddha's light ... hehe. It looks really predestined.

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