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抽奖系统佛光第一层,佛光普照,照亮周围百里地,第二层,佛光洗礼,让千里之内的人,产生恐惧的心里,第三层,佛光冲击。这一层威力十分巨大,宿主试试就知道了On the first floor of Buddha's light, Buddha's light shines to illuminate the surrounding hundred miles; on the second floor, Buddha's light is baptized, which makes people within thousands of miles feel fearful; on the third floor, Buddha's light strikes. This layer is very powerful, so the host can try it.

叶辰安(昂……这玩意第三层之前就是用来装x的是吧)(Ang ... This thing was used to hold X before the third floor, right?)

(叶辰安继续赶路,一路上碰见的凶兽不成功30级的去吧诛杀,毕竟凶兽里的核晶还挺值钱)(Ye Chenan went on his way, and the fierce beast he met along the way was unsuccessful. Go to level 30. After all, the nuclear crystal in the fierce beast is quite valuable.)

(一路不怎么安分,终于叶辰安来到了银城!)(Not very well-behaved, finally Ye Chenan came to Yincheng! )

叶辰安(还是没迟到修炼功法……一只5级也不是个事啊,可是外面买来的功法又没有系统的好……挺难为人的,)(Still not late for uniting the achievement method ... A level 5 is not a thing, but the achievement method bought outside is not systematically good ... It is very difficult for people.)

叶辰安(不过,这里还没有被银城袭击,还不错,希望不要在被凶兽攻击了)(However, it has not been attacked by Silver City, which is not bad. I hope it will not be attacked by fierce beasts.)

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