孙萌(唐大哥……我跑不动了)(Brother Tang ... I can't run)
(3人里面一个修为最低的女生停下了脚步)(among the three, a girl with the lowest repair stopped.)
琴梦璃(萌萌别停啊,哪去狼群的首领可是d阶29级凶兽,)(MengMeng, don't stop. The leader of the wolves is a fierce beast of Grade D and Grade 29.)
唐兵(我们已经跑了1个小时了,甩不掉他们了,没想到啊,第一次了这森林就要死在这里啊……)We have been running for an hour, and we can't get rid of them. I didn't expect this forest to die here for the first time.
叶辰安(这群人修为还不错啊24级了……可惜碰见了狼群啊,化龙决!)(This group of people have been trained as a good class of 24 ... It's a pity that they met wolves. Wow, Dragon!
(叶辰安变成巨龙吓了在场的所有生物,随着巨龙的巨爪,抓碎了狼王首领的头颅,狼群都反应过来了,但是老大都死了他们也翻不起什么风浪了)(Ye Chen 'an turned into a dragon and scared all the creatures present. With the giant claws of the dragon, he scratched the head of the wolf king's chief, and the wolves reacted, but when the eldest brother died, they couldn't afford any wind and waves.).
(不到一个小时,狼群所有狼都被一爪爆头,无一例外。做完这些叶辰安也是累的大喘气)(In less than an hour, all wolves in the pack were shot in the head with one claw, without exception. After these Ye Chenan is also tired and panting)
孙萌唐大哥,他是人还是龙啊?Brother Tang, is he a man or a dragon?
唐兵(应该是龙族吧……不然他怎么可以变成巨龙)(It should be a dragon ... Otherwise, how could he become a dragon)