(2个时辰过后,叶辰安吧整个城都清理干净吧核晶都挑了出来)(After 2 hours, Ye Chen, Ann, clean up the whole city, and pick out all the nuclear crystals).
叶辰安(嘿嘿,这可值不少钱,但是我现在没有功法修炼只能靠核晶修炼了……)(Hey hey, it's worth a lot of money, but I can only rely on nuclear crystal cultivation without achievement method now ...)
抽奖系统(哈哈哈,谁叫你抽不出修炼功法呢)(Ha, ha, ha, who told you that you couldn't afford the practice method?)
叶辰安(畜生系统……)(Animal system ...)
叶辰安拿出2块d阶25级凶兽的核晶开始修炼Ye Chen ann took out 2 pieces of d order 25 fierce beast's nuclear crystal began to practice.
(几个时辰后叶辰安吸收完2块核晶后果然升级了)(A few hours later, Ye Chenan was upgraded after absorbing 2 nuclear crystals.)
抽奖系统(宿主:叶辰安,天赋:f阶,等级5级,武技:化龙决,物品:神冥幽火,紫雷异电)(Host: Ye Chen 'an, talent: F level, level 5, Wushu: Hualongjue, item: Shenming secluded fire, Zilei different electricity)
叶辰安终于有等级了……真艰难啊。算了,这里的凶兽都被清理完了,没什么看的了,还是走吧It's finally a grade ... It's hard. Forget it, all the fierce beasts here have been cleaned up. There is nothing to see. Let's go.
(叶辰安掏出从一家店里面拿来的地图,准备去银城看看)(叶辰安掏出从一家店里面拿来的地图,准备去银城看看)(Ye Chen 'an took out a map from a shop and was going to visit Yincheng.).
叶辰安(不知道哪里有没有凶兽啊,行了,赶紧走吧)I don't know where there are any fierce beasts. Come on, let's go quickly.