叶辰安(嘿嘿,看来我运气好真不错,开始修炼吧,这要是学会了,我的实力又增加了一大截)(Hey hey, it seems that I'm lucky. Let's start practicing. If I learn this, my strength will increase a lot.).
(叶辰安回到房间里修炼化龙决,外面的人都在匆匆忙忙的逃跑甚至连客栈老板都跑了)(Ye Chen went back to the room to practice the dragon, and people outside were running away in a hurry, even the innkeeper ran away.).
(不到3个时辰整个风云城都被凶兽占领了,)(In less than 3 hours, the whole Fengyun City was occupied by fierce beasts.)
(叶辰安修炼玩化龙诀,走出房间发现外面安静的可怕,出了客栈,发现大大小小的凶兽正在啃食着人类的尸体)(Ye Chen Ann practiced and played dragon tactic, and went out of the room to find that it was quiet and terrible outside. When she went out of the inn, she found that fierce beasts, large and small, were eating human bodies.)
叶辰安(……看来昨天那个人叫我跑是对的,现在大街上已经全是凶兽人,)(...... It seems that the man told me to run yesterday was right, and now the streets are full of fierce orcs.)
抽奖系统(宿主:叶辰安。天赋:f,0级。武技:化龙决:物品:神冥幽火。紫雷异电。)(Host: Ye Chen 'an. Talent: f, level 0. Wushu: Hualong Decision: Item: God is hidden from fire. Violet ray. )
叶辰安(靠,系统你出来打击我来了是吧,天赋居然最垃圾……等级也是0)(Damn, you came out to attack me, didn't you? Talent is the most rubbish ... The level is also 0).
抽奖系统0~10f10~20e20~30d30~40c40~50b50~60a60~70s70~80ss80~90sss90~100sss+100往上大帝0~10f10~20e20~30d30~40c40~50b50~60a60~70s70~80ss80~90sss90~100sss+100往上大帝~ 10f 10 ~ 2020 ~ 3030 ~ 40k 40 ~ 50 b 50 ~ 60 a 60 ~ 70s 70 ~ 80 ss 80 ~ 90 ss 90 ~ 100 SSS+100往上大帝