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本书标签: 游戏体育  badboyhalo  DNF同人     






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“Drista!”Skeppy听见Dream的喊声,连忙跑上前:“What's the matter? Dream, what happened to Drista?”Bad和George站在他们身后,一脸茫然。刹那间,微风变为寒风,月光颜色变得惨白。窗帘被吹到一半,布料的一角仿佛挂在了空气中。Dream和Skeppy似乎在Drista床头愣了很久,Bad急忙跑上前去,推了推发呆着的二人。

“Are you all right? Why are you all in a daze? What happened to Drista?”George看着焦急询问着神游二人的Bad,眼里也满是好奇。他压抑着心中不断冒出的好奇,肯定上前一步必然会出现与Dream一样的神情。想到这里,他清了清喉咙,准备呼声让Bad回来。可是,一切似乎都太晚。他看着Bad转身,看向Drista。接着,下一秒,他没有与Dream二人的反应一样,而是表现地像被吓到了一般。

George再也按耐不住了。他快速地跑上前。只见Drista睁着双眼,右手神伸向枕边,似乎想要去拿自己的手机。而她旁边的亮着的手机屏幕上,赫然写着00:03这几个数字。 她的动作,仿佛只能进行五秒,等待的时间,却是没有限定的漫长。Dream没有戴着面具,脸色开始苍白。George连忙拉住了他的手,试图唤醒他。


“Hey, George, Skeppy, Bad, personally, I think this is very wrong. However, it seems that this incident has no impact on us. We can move freely, but they can't.”不知过了多久,Dream反应过来,迅速地说道。他带头走上了别墅的三楼,进入了走廊尽头的一个房间。George依旧拉着他的手,沉默地看向周围的黑暗。Bad与Skeppy也没有交流什么,只是牵着彼此的手跟着前面二人。

“This is my study room。”Dream一边介绍着,一边打开了灯:“But because I have ADHD, I haven't come in this room for a long time. When I was young, I liked to collect some strange books, and I estimate that we should be able to find out the specific information about this situation here.”

正当Skeppy与George点头准备进入时,Bad忽然道:“Should we go to the living room and wait for 00:04? These books are useless. Dream, I think you and George, Skeppy can continue to look at the situation of Drista. I'll turn over the books here. After all, I may have discovered this first, so I should understand something better.”

“Sure, Bad, if you want. Please don't care about the dust, it won't block the eyes of anyone who is eager for knowledge.”Dream似乎弯眉抱歉似的笑了一下,接着挥手带着奇怪的二人离开。Bad走到房间的门口,目送他们离开三楼后,便悄悄地走近第二排与第三排书架的角落,从口袋里拿出了一本书。


[to be continued]









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