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本书标签: 游戏体育  badboyhalo  DNF同人     





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时间在Skeppy的不在意话语下,从00:00变成了00:01。Bad连忙跑到了Skeppy身边,重新递给他那块手表。Skeppy看起来有些困倦,他服从地接过手表,又仔细地调试了一下。接着,他摇了摇头,又摆手道:“It must be the watch again. Let's go out now and have the repairman adjust it, since you are so worried.。”


“The street is quiet. This is not normal.”Skeppy穿着正装,牵着Bad路过了许多的昏暗路灯。街上一个人都没有,世界安静的仿佛已经成为死寂。Skeppy没有回头察看Bad的状态,他的正装已经有些凌乱,发丝也微微上扬。

“There used to be people walking here, even though it's already midnight.”Skeppy拿出自己的手机,看着时间。依旧是00:01,数字仿佛从未变化过。

“Let's go to Dream house 。”Bad忽然发声。这属实把Skeppy吓了一跳,声音毫无征兆响彻在鸦雀无声的街道。连鸟的鸣叫,狗的狂吠都已不见。Skeppy点了点头,接着指向前方:“Let us go,Bad。”



试探性地敲了敲Dream家的门,Bad似乎不想那么大声。Skeppy点亮手机屏幕,准备打电话。他小声地问了一句Hey便再没了声音。再次抬起头时,他不敢置信地对Bad道:“My sister doesn't answer my phone either. Can't people stay permanently at this time?”

“No, I really don't know. If people are like this, what about us?”Bad强行稳住自己的情绪,接着又敲了几下门。过了几分钟,令他欣喜的事来了:有人正准备为他们开门。


“What time is it ,Dream?”Skeppy没有客套,只是单刀直入道。Dream没有回答他什么,只是拿出手机指了指上面的时间。0:01。一点没错,果真所有人都是这样。

"Don't you find it strange?" Bad惊奇道,"According to the normal time, it's 05:01 now."


[to be continued]

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