This book only introduces Skephalo, DNF and Karlnap in DSMP. If you think this book is very interesting to you, please click on a collection or follow it. It's free, and you can cancel it at any time. Now enjoy it! Thank you for your support.(这本书介绍的只有DSMP中的Skephalo,DNF,Karlnap。如果您觉得这本书很让您喜欢,就请点击一个收藏或者关注吧。这是免费的,而且你可以随时取消。现在开始享受吧!感谢您的支持。)
Benal36这是我最喜欢的一对dsmp cp。
Benal36Write about them precisely because they are unpopular. Why so sweet CP is so cold ah, the child is about to freeze to death fortunately there is the main hair candy (). I'm going to warm up Skephalo's wife with some homemade candy. Night Time goes on!(写他们,恰恰是因为他们冷门。为什么这么甜的cp却这么冷啊,孩子快要冻死了还好有正主发糖()。于是准备用自己做的糖来暖暖和我一样看好Skephalo的太太,night time 持续!
Benal36Badboyhalo blow direct crazy hint. Skeppy is also a warm man. Although he often pranks Bad, there seem to be many foreign wives who draw Skephalo in calligraphy. Personally, I like to watch the style of Fumi ,yes, that's the bye Bye Baby Blue who draws blood rattan.Badboyhalo吹直接疯狂暗示。Skeppy也是个暖男虽然他经常整蛊Bad()但在国外似乎有许多太太都画了Skephalo的手书,个人习惯看Fumi老师的画风,没错,就是那个画血藤的bye bye baby blue ()
Benal36Anyway, that's what I was trying to do. To myself, to my future self, and to my past self. Skephalo, DreamNotfound, Karlnap will never go out of style, when you come back it's just shining!(总之这就是我的初衷吧。写给自己看,写给未来的自己,也写给过去的自己。Skephalo,dreamnotfound,karlnap永不过时,待你回归恰是光芒万丈!
Benal36Cold, but definitely not perfunctory. Sweet, but definitely not cloying. I'd love to introduce you to them as a sales pitch, but I thought I'd leave it to you to savor the trivia that I've jotted down.(冷门,但绝对不敷衍。甜美,但绝对不腻味。非常想像推销一样向各位介绍他们二位,但我想还是让各位自己来品味我记下的这些琐碎的小事吧。
English change Chinese:Hernsa