黎珀薇You know, I like you very much.
黎珀薇It's a big world, and you're fine.
黎珀薇1/1400000000 Thank you for meeting you
黎珀薇Do you know? You are the dawn of the world is my hope.
黎珀薇I hope it will be you, it will always be you, and it will be you.
黎珀薇Love comes you.
黎珀薇I love you.
黎珀薇Love to the bone
黎珀薇Thank you for meeting me and leave a message that I love you.
黎珀薇星星也可以成为行星,行星也曾是星星 Stars can also be planets, and planets used to be stars.
黎珀薇笑得开怀哭得坦率 Laugh and cry frankly
黎珀薇别说自己没有优点了,我一直喜欢你,喜欢你的所有 Don't say you have no advantages. I always like you and everything about you.
黎珀薇无声的擦肩而过,后面是我看着你的背影 Silently pass by, behind is I look at your back
黎珀薇嘘,你看天上,繁星璀璨,我在看着你呢 Shh, look at the sky, the stars are bright, I'm looking at you.
黎珀薇可是我真的很喜欢你 什么事都想告诉你 心里装不下别人只有你了 But I really like you.I want to tell you everything. I can't hold anyone but you.
黎珀薇现在的努力都是为了以后的幸福 All the efforts now are for future happiness.
黎珀薇你一直很优秀,只是不自信 You've always been good, but you're not confident.
黎珀薇向远方看齐,总会有希望的 If you look at the distance, there will always be hope.
黎珀薇世界很大,我们一起手拉手,去更远的地方,追逐自己的梦想 The world is big, we go to farther places hand in hand, chase our dreams.
黎珀薇当年丢过的纸飞机,你是否还记得里面的梦想? Do you still remember the dream of the paper plane you lt that year?
黎珀薇我以为,我们会一直好下去的 I thought we'd be fine forever.
黎珀薇我明明就很喜欢你,可是就是不知道怎么表达那份喜欢 I obviously like you very much, but I just don't know how to express that love.
黎珀薇关于你的一切我都想要了解,我承认我过了多年还是放不下你 I want to know everything about you, and I admit that I still can't let you go after many years.
黎珀薇有时候我最害怕的不是你不在,而是你故意不在 Sometimes what scares me mt is not your absence, but your deliberate absence.
黎珀薇我真的很害怕听到那句“我讨厌你” I'm really afraid to hear that "I hate you."
黎珀薇如果哪天你不想看到我了,一定要和我说,我不想在你身边再自作多情下去 If you don't want to see me one day, you must tell me that I don't want to be affectionate around you any more.
黎珀薇渴望是你,又害怕是你,直到看清不是你,我庆幸不是你又遗憾不是你 Longing for you, and afraid of you, until I see clearly that it's not you, I'm glad it's not you, and I'm sorry it's not you.
黎珀薇教室里回荡的电影声,和同学的笑声,只有我满脑子都是你的声音你的模样,我真的很想你 The sound of movies reverberating in the classroom and the laughter of my classmates, only my mind is full of your voice and your appearance.
黎珀薇枕头湿了,因为你 眼角泛泪,因为你 做梦哭了,因为你 害怕失去的,也只有你 The pillow is wet Tears in the corners of my eyes, because of you I cried in a dream because of you. You are the only one who is afraid of ling.
黎珀薇我没有想到那是我们最后的见面,我很遗憾没告诉你我喜欢你 I didn't think it would be our last meeting. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I like you.
黎珀薇你是我褪去新鲜感还喜欢的人. You are the one I like I le my freshness.