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妙妙在同学的陪伴下回到了学校,接下来的一段时间妙妙很忙,直到有一天她发觉自己老呕吐起初她还以为自己是作息不规律反胃后来她叫了自己导师让她陪自己去医院做检查,医生“恭喜你,你要做妈妈了宝宝已经1周了!”Doctor "Congratulations, you are going to be a mother, baby has been a week!"

妙妙:谢谢你医生,教授我们走吧回学校!Wonderful: thank you, doctor. Let's go back to school, professor.

米娜教授:妙妙接下来你跟宝宝怎么办,摊了个这么不负责任的父亲我给你妈妈打个电话让她来照顾你吧!Professor Mina: what do you do with the baby next? I'll call your mother and ask her to take care of you after such an irresponsible father!

妙妙:教授我不想让他们知道我怀孕了尤其是我爸他知道我未婚先孕会打死我的!Wonderful: professor, I don't want them to know I'm pregnant, especially my dad. He knows my unmarried pregnancy will kill me!

米娜教授:既然你不想告诉家人,妙妙那这样我们来照顾你和宝宝好不好?Professor Mina: since you don't want to tell your family, wonderful, shall we take care of you and the baby so that we can take care of you and the baby?

妙妙:教授真的谢谢你们对我的帮助等宝宝出生让他认你们做干奶奶认同学们做干爹干妈!Wonderful: the professor really thank you for your help to me when the baby is born let him think of you as Gan Grandma and his classmates as godparents!

米娜教授:好的,一定把你们照顾的很好!Professor Mina: OK, I'm sure I'll take good care of you!

妙妙怀孕6个月后就在家待产了,每天老师同学们轮番给她做好吃的,这天蒋煜文来法国出差办完事儿按照妙妙之前给的地址找到了她的单身公寓他摁上了门铃开门的正是米娜教授,“你好先生请问你找谁?”"Hello, sir. Who are you looking for, please?"

蒋煜文:你好女士我是林妙妙的家人来看下她,她在吗?Jiang Yuwen: Hello, ma'am. I'm Lin Miao's family. Come and see her. Is she there?

米娜教授:你是她家人?Professor Mina: are you her family?

蒋煜文:我是她的未来公公,她未婚夫钱三一的父亲!Jiang Yuwen: I am her future father-in-law, her fiance Qian Sanyi's father!

妙妙正好从楼上下来,“教授有客人来了吗,煜文叔怎么是你啊?”"is there a guest from the professor? why is Uncle Yuwen you?"


米娜教授:是你们家不负责任的钱三一的孩子!Professor Mina: it's the irresponsible child of Trinity in your family!

米娜教授把事情的原委全告诉了蒋煜文,蒋煜文也表态“米娜教授我想让妙妙提前毕业现在我必须把她接回家他不愿意负责人我们来养她们母子仨请尽快帮我们办手续吧!”Professor Mina, I want Miao Miao to graduate early. Now I have to take her home. He doesn't want to be in charge. Let's raise their mother and son. Please help us with the formalities as soon as possible! "

米娜教授:可以的没问题,看得出来你们是真心对妙妙好,到时候宝宝出生给我们报个喜;妙妙你坐着我去帮你收拾东西!Professor Mina: yes, no problem. I can see that you are really right to wonderful and good. When the baby is born, I will give us a good day. Wonderful, you sit down and I'll help you pack your things!?

蒋煜文:教授要不然这样今天是来不及了,我们走之前请同学们吃个但吧我来做中餐;我们家妙妙这么长时间真够麻烦你们得了!Jiang Yuwen: professor, otherwise it will be too late for today, but let me cook Chinese food before we go. It's a lot of trouble for us to have such a wonderful time for you to do it!

米娜教授:蒋先生你太客气了!Professor Mina: Mr. Chiang, you're very kind!

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