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本书标签: 短篇  各种类型语录  情感语录 



作者本者You’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be.My son. 我希望你知道,你依然是我的儿子。

作者本者The path has been laid.Let’s hope he doesn’t squander it. 这条路已经铺好了,希望他不要辜负。

作者本者This is only the beginning. 这只是个开始。

作者本者When as a gift not a gift. 礼物有时并不能称之为礼物。

作者本者Look at you, put on some muscle? I did? No.

作者本者This is my desert,my Arrakis,my dune. 这是我的沙漠,我的厄拉科斯,我的沙丘。

作者本者Smile,Gurney. I’m smiling. 笑一笑,哥尼。

作者本者The desert takes the weak. 沙漠会吞噬弱者。

作者本者Control the spice,control the universe. 掌控香料即掌握宇宙。

作者本者What‘s mood to do with if you fight when the necessity arises no matter the mood. 不管你是什么心情,如有必要,你就必须战斗!

作者本者Only together can we stand a chance. 我们只有团结才有一线生机。

作者本者A great man doesn’t seek to lead.He’s called to it. 伟大之人不是主动去成为领导者的,而是受到召唤而有所响应。

作者本者You need face your fears. 你需要直面你的恐惧。

作者本者There is no call we do not answer.There is no faith that we betray. 有命必答,绝无背叛。

作者本者Dreams make good stories,but everything important happens when we're awake. 梦境会编织骗人的故事,可重要的事都发生在醒来之后。

作者本者One day…the legend will be born. All of civilization depends on it. 终有一天,传奇将至。此为众生所依。

作者本者An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape. 被困住的野兽会咬掉自己的腿以逃生。

作者本者Goodbye young human. I hope you live. 再见,年轻人。希望你活下去。

作者本者Let's fight like demons. 让我们浴血奋战。

作者本者What is in the box?——Pain. 盒子里面有什么?——痛苦。

作者本者Have you dreamed things happened just as you dreamed them? 你梦里发生的事,是否总在现实中应验?

作者本者There is something awakening in my mind. 我头脑里有某种意识在苏醒。

作者本者When the fear is gone.Only I will remain. 当恐惧消失,唯我独存。

作者本者I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. 我决不能恐惧,恐惧是思维的杀手。

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