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“明明是我的怎么算偷呢,"How can it be considered stealing when it's obviously mine?他们不说的我们就收着,What they do not claim we will take,就算你说了也当你丢了,Even if they do claim it, I will still pretend that they lost it,还想在我爹那评一个优呢”,And I even want to get an excellent performance review from my father.",盖一朵小红花 偷一个文化就张彩结灯,You are so eager to celebrate when you steal a piece of a culture by adding only a small red flower,我建议您老人家 评个偷窃帝国的三好学生,I recommend that you apply to be an honorary student of the "Stealing Empire".昨天的泡菜到今天的汉服,From yesterday's kimchi to today's hanfu,稍有点智商都算你们的叛徒,Anyone with just a little intelligence you regard as a traitor,“爸爸抄了儿子” 儿子背得烂熟,"Dad copied his son." A refrain that the son recites quite well.上历史课别忘了请一个伴读,Don't forget to hire a study companion for your history class,还妄图说什么伸冤,And you have the audacity to claim that it is you that have grievances,这种疯癫的表演也新鲜,This kind of deranged performance is truly unheard of,论偷 没人来和你们争先,In terms of stealing, no one is going to compete with you.下个是三星堆还是生煎?Will the next one be the Sanxingdui Historical Site or the Pan-Fried Bun?你说过 你们是宇宙的起源,You said you were the origin of the universe,上帝也比你们 晚生了几年,Even God was born a few years later than you,从孔子到李白到悟空的水帘洞,From Confucius to Li Bai to Wukong's Water Curtain Cave,这些资料都追溯到史前,These sources all date back to prehistory,你说你们的野人都早整容,You said even your ancient cavemen had plastic surgery,组团出道在美洲是老网红了,Their group debut in the Americas was an old internet sensation,唱着菠萝蜜在那侏罗纪穿着襦裙骑着几只小恐龙,Singing Boluomi in the Jurassic Period wearing a Ru Skirt and riding a few small dinosaurs,你说你说 的就是史料,You say whatever you say qualifies as historical evidence,不用那么复杂搞什么比较,No need to make things complicated by doing any comparison,管你什么曲裾直裰对襟襦裙,Who cares about the different ways of making skirts,只有无耻才是老道,Being shameless is your core skill,抱歉我还是没你会演,Sorry I still can't act like you,不会一边跪舔还抛着媚眼,I can’t kneel and lick and wink at the same time,不过穿了汉服就戳了沸点,The reason for your excitement is that you are wearing Chinese Hanfu!哦都尅 这涨红的嘴脸未免,What to do! Look at your red face!继续跳窜啊,Keep jumping,硕鼠偷着剩的渣,The rats steal the leftover scum,翘尾巴,tails up,叽叽喳喳,Chattering,可怜自卑又自大,Miserable, self-pitying and arrogant all at once,成笑话,What a joke!在辩论之前 就先别拉黑,Don't blacklist me if you want a debate,想认祖归宗 那家有家规,If you want to claim your ancestry, then follow the family rules,别信口胡说 再撒手发挥,Don't talk nonsense and say whatever you please,我对手太多 在枪口扎堆,I have too many opponents, so I don't need you to pile up in front of my gun,改良了明朝的服饰 难不成这样就变成了你的,You just altered the costume of our Ming Dynasty, and you think by doing that it become yours?拿不出证据就P几个图 自己还觉得挺美呢,You can’t produce any evidence, so you simply photoshop a few pictures, and you think that makes you great,02年来办了彩灯节 摇身一变成了燃灯节申遗,You only ran a lantern festival in 2002, then you suddenly transformed it into a lantern burning festival World Heritage application,遵循着事大主义 那脆弱的自尊心让人也称奇,You try to exaggerate everything. That fragile self-esteem of yours makes people wonder indeed,只会一招耍无赖 “我不听我不听”想把汉服也申遗,Your only have one shameless trick of "I don’t hear you! I don’t hear you!" And you want to use it to do the World Heritage application for Hanfu,摸摸自己的化纤布带着小号硬说这就是真皮,Feeling your chemical fabric, you boast it’s real leather,对对 都源于宇宙国,Yes, yes, they all originate from your Country of the Universe.从咖啡香水到泡沫,From coffee perfume to foam,玛格丽特披萨和赛罗,Margarita Pizza and Cero,达摩男模尼采和二伯,Dharma, male model, Nietzsche and Erb,拿着敦煌的壁画改了水印 就敢说是自己的,You take the Dunhuang frescoes and change the watermark and dare to say it is your own,看着你们我只觉得搞笑 只好送你一首歌,Looking at you guys I just feel funny, and I have to send you a song,继续跳窜啊,Keep jumping,硕鼠偷着剩的渣,Shameless little scoundrel,翘尾巴,Who cares about you,叽叽喳喳,Chattering,可怜自卑又自大,Ridiculous, sad and pathetic,成笑话。











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