1.所以说爱恨真是很奇怪的东西。 有的早早腐烂入土,有的刻骨
So it's strange to say love and hate. Some rot into the soil early, and some engrave their bones
on this windy mountain, the ship stopped at the shore. The land behind him stretches more than 100 million hectares, and the sea under his feet is 3 million square kilometers. Further south, you can only wear on the clouds and walk around the earth. Everything here has a beginning and an end, but it can accommodate the unexpected meeting and reunion after a long separation. The world is splendid and grand. Welcome home.
I'm not here to save you, I'm here to love you.
dear, I put myself in your ear, you will hear it.
On 2312 days, they met in the cold wind and snow. Thought it was a first meeting, but in fact it was a reunion.
He thought he had seen a bright and hot man. With this, he could go through all the cold winters.
12822 independent examination rooms began to analyze the collapse of business. All kinds of things that have happened on these honeycomb like ground, such as life and death hatred, sadness and joy, business platform, will no longer exist from this moment and will always exist. Some cry, some laugh, some are desolate, some are surprised
examiner, please lower your head and tell you something. I love you very much.