作者那天丁哥说一起看日出吧,他们的眼眶红了,因为明天过后,他们不知道是不是还是七个人一起走下去,但很幸运,他们从那天开始,就是一家人了,他们要一起创造属于他们的时代。我觉得他们比起男团,更像是一家人,这个家里有负责的大哥哥,有调皮捣蛋的弟弟,有温柔弟控的哥哥,有温柔宠哥的弟弟,有暖心细心的哥哥,有听话爱笑的弟弟,也有把哥哥宠成弟弟的,弟弟,有我们无法参与的感情“下辈子换我被私生追 换我被网络暴力 换我每天训练到很晚 但是你们一定还要叫TNT时代少年团 我怕我再也找不到你们了。”“时代少年团不仅仅是一个名字 一个代号 更是一种信念不灭的生命力 现在是少年 永远是少年关于我们的故事 未完待续 敬请期待吧。”在一个满月的夜晚,我抱着盐汽水和爆米花来到一个布满小气球的地方,哼着《小海螺》,在深海般的夜空中寻找耀眼的比邻星,还不停的挥舞着手中的真知棒,简直快哉!“你千万别把我们太当回事,我们现在喊着爱你喜欢你,可你最难的时候我们都不在,你所有的成就都来自你自己的努力,和我们没有一分钱关系,我们只是隔着屏幕汲取你的青春你的优秀来满足我们自己欲望的陌生人。你是被爱着的,但你是你自己的。然后 带着爱和自信出发吧。请你一定一定努力过好自己的人生,我们会在你身后,但你无需回头。”“我听过最浪漫的故事,就是七个情窦初开的男孩为他们的女孩写了《爆米花》。”
Ding Ge said that day to watch the sunrise together, their eyes are red, because after tomorrow, they don't know if it is still seven people going together, but fortunately, they are a family from that day on, they have to create together Their era. I think they are more like a family than a men's team. This family has a responsible big brother, a naughty brother, a gentle brother, a gentle brother, a gentle brother, a warm and careful brother, and a obedient and laughing brother. There are also younger brothers who spoil their brother into a younger brother. There are feelings that we cannot participate in "In the next life, I was chased by illegitimate life. I was changed by cyber violence. I train very late every day, but you must also call the TNT Youth League. I am afraid that I will never find you again." "The Youth League is not only a name, a code name, but also a life force that is immortal. Now it is a teenager, always a teenager. The story about us is not finished, so stay tuned."