小云别人:三杀 四杀 五杀。我:被杀 被杀 被杀
小云Others: kill three, kill four, kill five. Me: killed, killed, killed
小云喜欢就去争取啊 我0杠8一样抢中单
小云If you like, fight for it. I won the order like 0 bar 8
小云I've listened to a one second voice for five years. Is this special love? No, this is TIMI
小云I'm the one who wants to save you most in the twenty minutes of your long life
小云Teammate: why don't you join the group? Me: social terrorism
小云今天玩儿小号低端局 我玩儿射手 我告诉可爱的蔡文姬小朋友出凤鸣指环 她站在塔下呆了几十秒钟 然后告诉我 我已经预购了 笑死我了哈哈哈哈哈啊哈
小云Today, I played the trumpet low-end game. I played the shooter. I told the lovely Cai Wenji that she stood under the tower for dozens of seconds, and then told me that I had ordered it in advance. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
小云王者连跪已经伤害不到我了 我的头被对面带妹的哥哥打爆了 我的脸已经像痛苦面具一样 哭声已经跟回响法杖一样响了
小云The king can't hurt me even on his knees. My head was blasted by my brother with a sister opposite. My face is like a mask of pain, and my cry is as loud as an echo staff
小云Natural talents must be useful. Welcome to the road of confrontation
小云Your operation, like a three-year-old child, is admirable
小云With the wind and waves, against the wind, the little king, is difficult
小云Children will not cry all the time, love will not lose all the time. I cry and lose in the king's Canyon
小云I asked you what way you can go. You told me you can go all the way. As a result, you play wild, Arthur plays auxiliary, Arthur plays developmental, Arthur plays confrontational, and occasionally plays middle
小云巴山楚水凄凉地 我家瑶瑶爱耕地
小云Bashan chushui desolate, my Yao Yao love farmland
小云Are you not joining the group because of social fear
小云Bao, did you see the MVP across the street? You are so kind to him that he can't change it all his life
小云Other girls ask what the dragon is. You say it's the storm Dragon King. You praise her for being so cute. I ask you what the dragon is. You say it's from my village?
小云You didn't notice that your object was green. I let it go a second late. You scolded me for hours
小云真的好讨厌那些一天到晚就只玩瑶的 都不考虑一下队友 你把瑶拿了我玩什么?
小云I really hate those who only play Yao all day without considering their teammates. What do you play with me?