话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 你微笑时很美——教皇的小妖精
本书标签: 影视同人  你微笑时很美  李君赫   







林知秋(Z神)喂?何我需要你,现在麻烦你了,你知道我是需要你的。 Hello? Why DO I need you? Now I need you. You know I need you.

何歆大小姐现在还需要我了,我还在度假呢! The big lady needs me now. I'm on vacation!

林知秋(Z神)何你帮我找一下他们公司的一些黑料,然后呢,我得查一下人力数据以及其他的一些素材。 Why don't you find some dirt on their company for me? Then I have to look up human resources data and other materials.

何歆我才不要去,差的太远了,太忙了,不去我要懒你找别人吧。 I'm not going. It's too far. I'm too busy.

林知秋(Z神)那你不去的话就算了吧啊,我去找别人。 Well, if you don't go, forget it. I'll find someone else.

何歆唉,好了好了,我去我去,我去我去。 Oh, all right, all right, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go.

林知秋(Z神)就知道你会吃这一招。 I knew you'd take that trick.




林知秋(Z神)现在大家分成10个人,一个小组去收集一些相关手续,以及我们做这个市场价值的一些资料,以及时间和实践最重要。 Now we are divided into 10 people, a group to collect some related procedures, as well as some information about our market value, as well as the most important time and practice.

甄娴(助理)好的老板。 Good boss.


吴总裁秋总瑞总也在,你俩要不放弃吧,反正这个公司迟早受到当初的失误了,没关系,虽然这公司是打下了江山和国内分部管国内管辖,但是还是会被我抢过来。 Qiu Rui is always there, you two want to give up, anyway, this company sooner or later by the original mistakes, it doesn't matter, although this company is to lay down the country and domestic branch in charge of domestic jurisdiction, but still will be robbed by me.

林瑞阳是吗?你自己看看新闻吧。 Isn't it? Read the news for yourself.


吴总裁你做这种卑鄙的事情。 You do such despicable things.

林知秋(Z神)不是我们卑鄙,而是我们不会输。 Not that we're mean, but that we can't lose.

林知秋(Z神)慢走不送。 Slow walk does not see you off.

甄娴(助理)吴总裁请你这边来。 President Wu asked you to come this way.




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