叶霖你来啦,这位是谁啊? There you are. Who is this?
林知秋(Z神)这位是我男朋友。 This is my boyfriend.
叶霖你好,我叫叶霖。 Hello, my name is Ye Lin.
教皇(李君赫)我的名字李君赫。 내 이름은 이군혁입니다.
叶霖韩国人? 한국 사람?
教皇(李君赫)是的。 그렇습니다.
教皇(李君赫)你要照顾好她。 그녀를 잘 돌봐 (주)세요.
叶霖我知道她是我兄弟。 나는 그가 나의 형제라는 것을 안다.
叶霖我们快进去吧,他已经在里面等我们了。 Let's get in there. He's already waiting for us.
林知秋(Z神)快走吧。 Let's go quickly.
王俊杰你来了,没想到你真的来了。 There you are. I didn't know you were here.
林知秋(Z神)今天我来这里并不是为了跟你叙什么旧情的,而是说清楚的,还有以朋友的方式跟你重新结交。 I am not here today to rekindle old feelings with you, but to make them clear and to reconnect with you as friends.
叶霖行了,你俩先冷静点,一边吃饭一边聊吧。 All right, you two just calm down and talk over dinner.
王俊杰好,那你告诉我你为什么离开我? Okay, so tell me why did you leave me?
林知秋(Z神)想听真话? I want the truth?
王俊杰当然我想听真话。 Of course I want the truth.
林知秋(Z神)首先一开始我俩在一起的时候,你母亲就不同意,是因为我没有钱不配你这个少爷的身份,但是我告诉你,我一开始没有告诉你们,但是觉得没有必要告诉你们,觉得告诉你们,让你们压力太大了。 First of all, when we got together, your mother didn't agree, because I don't have money and don't deserve your status as a young master. But I tell you, I didn't tell you at the beginning, but I didn't think it was necessary to tell you, because I thought it would put too much pressure on you to tell you.
林知秋(Z神)第二你妈找我聊的时候说我耽误你的前程,用100万来打发我,我的卡里随便一张卡就几千万,不需要你这100万的可怜还有我会耽误你的话,那么我就有必要离开。 Second, your mother said I delay your future when I chat, with one million to send me, my card casually a card on tens of millions, do not need you this one million of poor and I will delay you, so I have to leave.
林知秋(Z神)最后我并不信任我们的感情,你经常喜欢在外面勾搭女人,别以为我不知道,我只是一而再再而三的忍你,但是没想到你跟你妈说那种话,你觉得我们有必要在一起吗? Finally, I don't trust our relationship. You often like to hook up with women outside. Don't think I don't know.
王俊杰对不起阿秋,我真的不是这个样子的,我是真的爱你的,我妈说那些话是因为他不知道你是林氏集团的千金,所以他才会说那些话,我是真的爱你,我没有勾搭那些女人,他们只是来勾搭我的。 I really love you. My mom said those things because he didn't know you were a daughter of the Lin Group. That's why he said those things.
林知秋(Z神)好了,你不要再说了,我们之间已经没有办法回到从前了,从前我们是恋人,但是现在我们是朋友,如果你还要纠缠不清的话,我们就是陌生人。 Good, you don't say again, we have no way back to the past, we were lovers in the past, but now we are friends, if you still entanglement not clear words, we are strangers.
王俊杰不可能我相信你还是爱我的,对吗? No, I believe you still love me, don't you?
林知秋(Z神)我们之间早就结束了,结束在4年前了。 It's over between us. It was over four years ago.
叶霖你这是何必呢?你不是要跟她做朋友吗?你这样你们怎么可能还是朋友,她肯定已经把你当成陌生人了。 Why are you doing this? Don't you want to be friends with her? How can you be friends? She must think you're a stranger.
王俊杰因为我相信她还爱我。 Because I believe she still loves me.
叶霖你从哪里看到她爱你,我看得出来,她只把你当成朋友,陌生人你能不能放下她都放下了,都过了4年了,她已经找到了自己喜欢的人,你们已经不能回到从前了。 Where do you see that she loves you, I can see that she only regards you as a friend, a stranger, can you put her down? It's been four years, she has found someone she likes, you can't go back to the past.
王俊杰我需要静一静,你先走吧。 I need some time. You go ahead.