能治愈我的从来不是时间 而是王一博
没办法客观评价王一博 我主观爱他
为什么偏偏喜欢他 因为他是王一博
洛阳城里出来的人 温柔是溺在骨子里的
王一博踏万千星河而来 又乘舟奔赴远方
“他用十年走到我的面前 我有什么资格不爱.”
舞者 爱豆 演员 滑板 摩托赛车手 他正在向他热爱的事物前进.
I'm sorry for his efforts for not being tepid, but he was bruised and bruised all over his body."
"Before you were someone else's groom, I could still be crazy for you"
"If it goes well, I can stay with you for a long, long time. If it doesn't go well, I can watch you silently for a long time."
“不管外界的声音对他有多大 我依然爱他”
No matter how loud the outside voice is to him, I still love him."
I hope that while you become popular, I also hope that you are safe and happy."
"I won't let the world dirty my kids"
"He is the youth of many girls, but he is just the future of a girl"
He has heard deafening applause, he has walked the path that no one cares about, he has used ten years of hard work to tell the world that his name is Wang Yibo"
"At the beginning of the story, you are personable, dressed in white, at the end of the story, I am unknown, you are shining
"The young man who came out of Luoyang is full of light, and behind the light is full of unknown sadness.
It seems that in addition to you, people all over the world are teaching me to grow up. You not only healed me, but also healed everyone who likes you."
王者归来,胜者为王 一诺千金,天下第一 博览群书,学士渊博
The return of the king, the winner is the king
洛阳风声雨慢慢 眉眼温柔牧丹开 恰见少年 一眼万年
Luoyang winds and rains slowly, eyebrows and eyes softly, animal husbandry open, I just saw the young man, I have a look at ten thousand years
"我爱的男孩" "鞠最深躬" "背最黑的锅" "走人间最坎坷的路" "做世间最善良的人" "他就是王一博" "他配的上世间所有的温柔"
"The boy I love" "The deepest bow" "The darkest pot on his back" "The most bumpy road in the world" "Be the kindest person in the world" "He is Wang Yibo" "He deserves all the gentleness in the world"
我喜欢会骑摩托的男孩 换句话说我喜欢的男孩会骑摩托
这一世最美的笑容都给了手机 因为他住在里面
看到他的粉丝那么努力的拉票,我就确定王一博是一个不坏的人 摩托姐姐真的把心都给了这个素未谋面的男孩
借着你的光 我看到了从未见过的世界
洛阳出来的少年 温柔是遍布全身的 从骨子里透出来的