伊势岚Here is the live broadcast booth. People from all over the world who call themselves the king of stomachs have gathered in our special venue. Here, we would like to thank the sponsor of tonight, Kengo Abe(这边是实况转播席,来自各个国家自诩大胃王的人们陆续集中在我们特设的会场里,在此我们要感谢一下今晚的赞助商——迹部景吾……)
伊势岚This is a game to bet on the prestige of the country. A total of eight countries participated. First of all, let's introduce the participants from various countries... First of all, the German team, led by Borg, has three professional players. I don't know what kind of performance they will show in this contest of appetite(这是一场赌上国家威信的比赛(不是),共有八个国家参赛。首先我们先来介绍一下各个国家的参赛人员……首先是德国队,以博格为首拥有三位职业选手的王者之队。不知道他们会在这场食量的较量中展现什么样的表现)
伊势岚Then there is the Swiss team headed by Amadis. They will start a revenge war here!(然后便是以阿玛迪斯为首的瑞士队。他们将在此展开一场复仇战!)
伊势岚The French team has gathered all kinds of gourmets. I have a hunch that they will bring a new revolution to the barbecue Conference... As an aside, the sea breeze is a little cold at night. It's better to pull on your coat. (法国队聚集了各色各样的美食家,我有预感他们将会给烤肉大会带来新的一场革命……题外话一下,晚上的海风有点凉,最好还是把外套好好拉上)
伊势岚Under the leadership of master Reinhardt, the US team will unite to meet all challenges with team strength.(美国队将在主将莱因哈特的带领下,团结一致地用团队力量迎接一切挑战。)
伊势岚The Greek team as a whole has very obvious signs. I believe that under the leadership of Zeus, they can do anything!(希腊队整体有非常明显的标识。相信在宙斯大人的带领下他们会无所不能!)
伊势岚The next step is the host team Australia. After reconciliation with the Gorgias, they have been reborn and become a very excellent team.(接下来就是东道主的澳大利亚队了,他们在与高尔基亚兄弟和解后,完成脱胎换骨,成为一支非常优秀的队伍。)
伊势岚Alamenoma is also a country with many mysteries. I don't know what kind of magical abilities they will show at the barbecue.(阿拉梅侬玛还是一个谜团众多的国家。不知道他们会在烤肉大会上展现什么样的神奇能力)
伊势岚The last one is the Japanese team that shows the soul of samurai all over the world.(最后一支是像全世界展现武士之魂的日本队)