话本小说网 > 科幻末世小说 > 太阳系之外
本书标签: 科幻末世  哲学  奇异科幻小说     




当我看完三体三部后 我被这部神作深深的震撼到了!我当时就在想 要是我也能写出像《三体》这样的科幻小说该多好呀

后面 我可是写小说 直到昨天 我才想起这段伟大的记忆 我觉得自己的能力已经能写出这样的作品了


但一看不要紧 话本上的科幻小说 基本都是三体的同人文 根本没有自创的科幻小说!

更可恨的是 一些有系统的那种玄幻小说 竟然标注自己是科幻小说


Introduction to science fiction: science fiction (English abbreviation: Sci-Fi) is the full name of science fiction, which should be literally translated as science fiction. (the English full name: Science Fiction Novel), is a literary genre that originated in the modern West.

It is defined as literature and art created on the basis of respecting scientific conclusions (rather than delusions, otherwise it is scientific fantasy novel). It is generally believed that excellent science fiction must have three elements: "logical self-consistency", "scientific elements" and "humanistic thinking". At present, focusing on narrative, the pursuit of humanistic thinking has become the mainstream of science fiction, and domestic science fiction also shows a trend of neglecting science and literature and art. It is worth noting that at present, novels under the so-called science fiction classification on the major mainstream online literature platforms in China seldom fully possess the above three elements, and their subdivision types are very different from those defined in this entry. It is not recognized by the Chinese science fiction community and the World Science Fiction Association, and belongs to a branch of network literature. According to this entry, this type will not be introduced.(科幻小说介绍:科幻小说(英语简称:Sci-Fi)全称科学幻想小说,直译应为科学虚构小说(英语全称:Science Fiction Novel),是一种起源于近代西方的文学体裁。




熬夜 一遍遍的想着这些披着科幻小说的玄幻小说 我感到无比的可惜 可惜的是话本小说上竟然没有原创的科幻小说!

于是 我就开始准备起这部科幻小说

其中 封面难到了我

我写的小说的封面 基本都是那种直接找个图片就ok了的 但这部不一样 我必须认真对待 但找了一下午 也没找到合适的封面 (也许前言发后 我还是没有找到合适的封面)然后再是内容的困难之处 我看过几本科幻小说 实体书 我发现科幻小说基本都有个特点 旁白比较多 这放在实体书里很正常 但在这种软件里面 一定是旁白比较少 人物说的比较多 所以这一点也是个难题

最后 别问我为什么有一句话要添加英语 要问就是字数不够 凑凑

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