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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



龙鹏(嗯,这是真的,太阳已经把许多高能量物质挥洒出来了,而且这些高能量物质正对着地球。可能还有几个小时全球需要断水断电数月了。)B: Well, it's true. The sun has thrown out a lot of high-energy materials, and these high-energy materials are facing the earth. There may be a few hours left, and the world needs to cut off water and electricity for months. )

凌枫(靠……看来要去囤货了,嗯就这样拜拜,)(Shit ... It seems that we are going to stock up, so bye-bye.)

龙鹏(我说你也别那么急囤货这起个月,说不定有的我们忙了。断水断电,接上所有监控都无效,说不定。有的,我们忙了。)I said you shouldn't be so anxious to stock up this month. Maybe some of us are busy. Water and electricity are cut off, and all connected monitoring is invalid, perhaps. Yes, we are busy. )

凌枫(靠,好像也对,(Depend, it seems to be right,

(几个小时后,大街上的人发现缺德地图竟然不灵了)A few hours later, people in the street found that the wicked map didn't work.

凌枫(来了,先断水断电吧……手机……充电宝手摇发电机,都放进微波炉断电不然报废了我就麻了)(come, cut off the water and power first … mobile phone … charging treasure hand-cranked generator, put it in microwave oven and power off, otherwise I will be numb if I scrap it).

(付出几分钟,全球开始断网断电。许多地方甚至出现了火灾。)(After a few minutes, the world began to lose power. There are even fires in many places. )

(铃铃铃~凌枫的手机在微波炉里响了起来)(Rinrin bell ~ Ling Feng's cell phone rang in the microwave oven)

凌枫(嗯哼,手机应该没事了,,一看是龙鹏打来的电话立刻就接了)(Uh-huh, the mobile phone should be fine, and as soon as I saw it was Longpeng's call, I immediately answered it.)

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