凌枫(喂喂喂,暗夜猎手,有你这么说的吗,你是老大我是老大)Hey, night hunter, did you say so? You are the boss and I am the boss?
凌枫(眧狩,把他抓住,火焰精灵已经把他的基地给烧了)Hold him, because the Flame Elf has burned his base.
齐天魔(不是大哥,我错了,大哥放了我吧,我上有老下有小的大哥)(Not eldest brother, I was wrong, eldest brother let me go, I have older brothers and younger ones.)
(齐天魔看这情况不对啊,还是赶紧认怂比较妙啊)(Qi Monty thinks this situation is wrong, so it's better to recognize the unintelligent quickly.)
凌枫(还是把你交给龙组吧,龙鹏这人怎么磨磨唧唧的,还没来)(Let's hand you over to the Dragon Group. How did Longpeng whine? He hasn't come yet.)
龙鹏(我靠,你这小比崽子背后说我坏话是吧……呦呵,你还把人给抓住了啊)(I depend, you speak ill of me behind my back ... yo-ho, you caught people.)
凌枫(赶紧带着吧,这次死了这么多人)Take it with you, so many people died this time.
龙鹏~(嘿嘿,你放心吧,死刑少不了)~ (hey hey, you can rest assured that the death penalty is indispensable)
凌枫(不过他那把剑拿给我,放你们那不太好)But it's not very good to give me his sword and put it with you.
龙鹏(他这剑也算帮凶啊,怎么能给你呢,算了,我就当这剑丢了,滚吧)(His sword is also an accomplice. How can I give it to you? Forget it. I'll consider it lost. Go away.)
凌枫(切,入戏挺快,齐天剑啊,不错看来我又多了一把武器啊)(Cut, it's very fast to enter the play, Qi Tianjian, it's not bad. It seems that I have another weapon.)