话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(谁啊?)(who? )

(凌枫打开门,发现门口竟然是一个长相甜美的妹子)(Ling Feng opened the door and found that the door turned out to be a sweet-looking sister.)

灵玉(先生你好,这是你的豪宅钥匙,跑车钥匙和相关手续)Hello, sir. Here are your mansion keys, sports car keys and related formalities.

凌枫(……这么多?系统,这奖励太离谱了吧)(...... so much? System, this reward is too wide of the mark).

(凌枫面前出现了一大串钥匙和一碟本子)(a bunch of keys and a disc of notebooks appeared in front of Lingfeng)

(凌枫接过东西,和美女小姐姐随便哈啦了一下交换了联系方式就送客了)(Ling Feng took the things, exchanged contact information with the beautiful girl and sister casually, and then saw Fujian.).

凌枫(卧槽,豪华别墅,和10辆跑车啊……)(Sleeping trough, luxury villa, and 10 sports cars …)

系统(还有3张武将升星卡,一张武器升级卡哦,)(There are also three military commanders' star promotion cards and one weapon upgrade card.)

凌枫(我就3个武将所以毫无疑问了……但是武器的话是冰魄还是地狱戟好……)(I have only three military commanders, so there is no doubt about it ... But if the weapon is ice spirit or hell halberd ...).

系统(实在不行留着危机时刻用咯)(I can't save it for a crisis.)

凌枫(嗯……也不是不行……算了,这里应该好几天没去学校了吧,还好叫龙鹏帮我请了假,不然怎么死的都不知道)(um ... it's not impossible ... forget it. I haven't been to school for several days here. Fortunately, I asked Longpeng to take a leave for me, otherwise I don't know how I died.).

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