话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



系统(宿主,友情提示一下哦,明天就要开战了。现在回去来不及了,做五爪金龙回去吧,他比你跑的快多了)(Host, a friendly reminder, there will be a war tomorrow. It's too late to go back now. Go back as a golden dragon with five claws. He runs much faster than you.

凌枫(对啊,五爪金龙!过来,走!起飞)(yes, golden dragon with five claws! Come here, go! Take off)

(金龙腾空,往主城方向飞去)(Jinlong vacated and flew towards the main city)

凌枫(金龙,速度真的快啊,比我自己飞都快)(Jinlong, it's really fast. It flies faster than myself.)

(没一会凌枫就到了主城,交完任务之后成功升到4星,然后就被抓去做准备大战的登记了)(Ling Feng soon arrived in the main city, successfully rose to 4 stars after handing over the task, and then was caught to register for preparing for the war).

凌枫(擦,这玩意还要登记,不会是怕我跑掉吧……这玩意就离谱)(Wipe, this thing has to be registered, it won't be afraid that I will run away ... This thing is outrageous.)

眧狩(老大,现在我们可以去休息了吧)(Boss, now we can go to have a rest.)

凌枫(行都回去吧,明天才叫你们出来玩虽然可能不是玩了……谁知道呢)(go home, everyone. I'll call you out to play tomorrow, although it may not be fun ... who knows).

许褚(主公,末将先回去了)(Master, I will go back first.)

(几名武将都走回了黑色漩涡)(Several military commanders walked back to the black whirlpool)

凌枫(哈哈,我也回去休息了)(哈哈,我也回去休息了)(Ha ha, I also went back to rest)

(清晨!所有4星及以上的猎人都被集中了起来,准备战斗了,虫族在北方的战士被凌枫杀死了,虫族也召集了所有战士准备清除人类)(Early morning! All hunters of 4 stars and above were gathered and ready to fight. The Zerg soldiers in the north were killed by Ling Feng, and the Zerg also summoned all the soldiers to prepare for the elimination of human beings.

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