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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



火焰精灵(知道了,到时候我要吃烧烤虫族)(see, I will eat barbecue zerg then)

凌枫(一天天的就知道吃,你看看你都吃成什么样了)You know how to eat every day. Look at what you've eaten.

火焰精灵(我马上就能净化了,变成火焰领主,一天一个小火焰精灵)(I will be purified soon, and become a flame Lord, a little flame elf every day.)

凌枫(那您多吃点)(that you eat more)

眧狩((老大,兽人一路上遇到的几对人,都被兽人给团灭了)(eldest brother, several pairs of people the orcs met along the way were all wiped out by the orcs).

凌枫(没事,我们偷偷摸摸跟着他们就行)It's okay, we just follow them secretly.

兽人领主前面就是虫族的地盘了!杀!杀!杀!)Is in front of the zerg territory! Kill! Kill! Kill! )

(几百只兽人的声音响彻云霄)The voices of hundreds of orcs resounded through the sky.

典韦这样子喊真的不怕虫族发现么……ztm是作死啊Is it true that shouting like this is not afraid of Zerg's discovery ... ……ztm is a dead man?

虫族(有人入侵……都准备好了准备开战了)There's been an invasion ... all ready for war.

凌枫(好嘛,虫族发现他们了,许褚典韦,等下找机会溜了……这兽人不带脑子的……)(Well, the Zerg found them. Xu Chu Dian Wei, wait for the chance to slip away ... This orc has no brains ...)

虫族(兽人,你不再你的树林里面带着来我们虫族领地干嘛?)(Orcs, why don't you bring it to our Zerg territory in your woods? )

兽人领主(哈哈哈哈,我来杀你们一个片甲不留)(Ha ha ha ha, I'll kill all of you.)

虫族(狂妄自大也要有狂妄自大的资本,就凭你们几百个兽人?怎么和我们几千只虫族士兵打?)(Arrogance also requires arrogant capital, with hundreds of orcs? How to fight with our thousands of Zerg soldiers? )

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