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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(北方树林里有兽人……北方警戒线也被虫族攻破了,这玩意真玩意……清除兽人,强回警戒线就是我们的任务了……)(there are orcs in the northern forest ... the northern cordon has also been breached by zerg. this is a real thing ... it is our task to clear the orcs and strengthen the cordon ...).

诸葛亮(主公,吾有一记)(Master, I have one)

凌枫(说吧,什么好方法)(say, what good method)

诸葛亮(竟然他们都在北方而且不是队友,那就可以成为对手……主公懂了吗)(they are all in the north and they are not teammates, so they can become rivals ... Master, do you understand?).

凌枫懂了,许褚典韦!你们化生成兽人去挑起兽人和虫族的战争I see, Xu Chu Dian Wei! You turn into Orcs to provoke the war between Orcs and Zerg.

许褚(遵守主公意愿)(obey the master's wishes)

典韦(吾,领命!)(I, brought life! )

(典韦许褚被诸葛亮的法术下化身成了兽人的模样去引发战争)(Dian Wei Xu Chu was transformed into an orc under Zhuge Liang's spell to trigger a war.)

兽人领地——Orc territory-

不重要的路人甲(领主又有几名战士被人族和虫族所伤还有几名战士们活着回来了)(Lord, several soldiers were injured by Terran and Zerg, and several soldiers came back alive.)

兽人领主(该死的……我们兽人一只在忍气吞声,他们真是越来越放肆了!召集所以战士!我们准备开战了!)(Damn it ..... We Orcs are only putting up with humiliation, they are getting more and more presumptuous! So gather the soldiers! We are ready for war! )

(这时许褚和典韦来到兽人领地的边缘地带)(Xu Chu and Dian Wei came to the edge of orc territory at this moment.)

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