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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



霍营(……切,拽什么拽,区区蛟龙而已,嘿嘿,找个机会把你办了)(...... Cut and drag, it's just a dragon, hey hey, find a chance to do it for you).

蛟龙(傲~)(proud ~)

凌枫(冰魄!封!)(Ice spirit! Seal! )

(蛟龙出海的瞬间凌枫把海冰封住,导致蛟龙半个身子卡在海里)(蛟龙出海的瞬间凌枫把海冰封住,导致蛟龙半个身子卡在海里)(Ling Feng sealed the sea ice when the dragon went out to sea, causing half of the dragon to get stuck in the sea.)

凌枫(拿下他……)(take him down ...)

许褚(是!主公!)(yes! Master! )

典韦(末将在此!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!)(will be here at the end! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! )

蛟龙(傲~中记了可恶啊)(Proud ~ I remember it. Damn it.)

霍营(喝啊!重击!)(Drink! Hit hard! )

凌枫(卧槽,抢人头的!五爪金龙!)(lying trough, rob the head! Golden dragon with five claws! )

五爪金龙(傲!!!!真龙之威)(proud! ! ! ! Zhen Long Zhi Wei)

蛟龙(靠,真龙……没脾气了,随便了,没希望了)(Depend, the real dragon ... lost his temper, whatever, hopeless)

典韦许褚一刀一戟,把蛟龙首身分离Xu Chu took a knife and a halberd, separating the first body of the dragon.

凌枫带着吧,等会下船交任务,在去接几个任务,马上大战开始,升不到4星就只能偷偷摸摸溜进去了Take it with you. I'll get off the boat and hand in the task later. I'm going to pick up a few tasks. The war will start immediately. If I rise to less than 4 stars, I can only sneak in.

眧狩老大溜进去就溜进去咯,那玩意不一样吗……老大溜进去就溜进去咯,那玩意不一样吗……If the boss slips in, he slips in. Is that different ...

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