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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(诸葛亮,你先去通缉犯身边吧,我相信你的法术)(Zhuge Liang, go to the wanted man first, I believe your magic)

诸葛亮(是,主公)(yes, master)

(原本诸葛亮3米的身体,现在别的想普通人差不多)(Zhuge Liang's 3-meter body was originally, but now others want to be similar to ordinary people.)

凌枫(这法术还挺好用啊)(This spell is quite easy to use.)

(大鹏鸟一队先到达糖厂诸葛亮和火焰精灵跟在通缉犯傍边,一步步向糖厂走来)(Dapeng Bird Team 1 arrived at the sugar factory first, Zhuge Liang and the Flame Elf followed the wanted man and walked to the sugar factory step by step.)

罪城通缉犯嘿嘿这一票肯定是要赚的盆满钵满,哈哈,赚完这一票我们就出国了Hehe, this ticket is sure to earn a lot of money. Haha, after earning this ticket, we will go abroad.

罪城通缉犯(老大,这个女人值那么多钱么,她就一个儿子,有钱的老公还离婚了,)(eldest brother, is this woman worth so much money? She has only one son, and her rich husband is divorced.)

罪城通缉犯(放心我打听过了他们是假离婚而且他儿子什么都不知道)Don't worry, I inquired. They were a fake divorce and his son didn't know anything.

罪城通缉犯(等着他们送钱来就完了)It's over when they send the money.

凌枫(准备好了,他们马上就来)(Ready, they'll be right here.)

许褚(主公,东西交给我们就行了)(Master, just leave the things to us.)

典韦(主公,交给我和许褚将军足够了哈哈哈哈)(Master, it's enough for me and General Xu Chu. Hahahaha)

(2名武将在诸葛亮的法术下变成了普通人的模样)(two military commanders became ordinary people under Zhuge Liang's spell)

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