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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



青云宗宗主(等等!我青云宗好像没有惹过2位大能吧?)(Wait! I don't seem to have provoked two great powers in Qingyun Sect. )

(一听这话,眧狩来劲了)(When I heard this, I was very excited.)

眧狩(2位大能?你当老子不存在?今天老子灭了你青云宗,雷霆万钧!)(2 great powers? When you don't exist? Today, Lao Tzu destroyed your Qingyun Sect, and it was thunderous! )

许褚(典韦,这小子想一个人玩,)(Dian Wei, this boy wants to play alone.)

典韦(卧槽,你玩不起,你玩个屁)(Fuck, you can't afford to play, you can't play)

眧狩(The two people at the door are left for you, and I will help myself with the chicken.(门口这2人留给你们了,里面的菜鸡我自己来)

青云宗宗主(……你们当青云宗是什么东西!欺人太甚了)(..... What are you when Qingyun Zong is! It's cruel)

典韦(你算什么东西,这青云宗就跟我家后花园似的我想来就来你有脾气?)What are you? This Qingyun Sect is like my back garden. I can come whenever I want. You have a temper? )

许褚(典韦你这话就不对了,我家后花园哪有这么差)(Dian Wei, you are wrong. My back garden is not so bad.)


青云宗宗主(看掌!)(look at the palm! )

典韦(滚!)(get out! )

(青云宗宗主飞着过来,飞着回去)(The patriarch of Qingyun flew over and flew back)

诸葛亮宗主,你没事吧Patriarch, are you all right

典韦(别看了,他跑了)(Don't look, he ran away)

眧狩(没想到他还有后手啊……老大实验室里的实验体去没了,凭空消失了)(I didn't expect him to have a subsequent party ... The experimental body in the boss's laboratory disappeared and disappeared out of thin air)

凌枫(好……知道了,龙鹏过来收拾一下吧……宗主和实验体跑了)(good ... know, longpeng come and tidy up ... patriarch and experimental body ran away)

上一章 53(没想到青云宗在这种深山老林里面啊) 都市扛把子最新章节 下一章 55