话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(真不愧是系统出品,居然有反弹这种操作哈哈哈哈)(It is really produced by the system, and there is actually a rebound. This operation hahahaha)

凌枫(你们去死吧!断魂刺!)(go to hell! Broken soul thorn! )

许褚(你快走,去告诉宗主和大长老,这个人,不是我们能惹的……)(you are quick to go and tell the patriarch and elders that this man is not something we can provoke ...)

凌枫(呼断魂刺的后摇也太大了……让他跑了)(The back shaking of the soul piercing is too big ... Let him run away)

五爪金龙凌枫……你一定要死!Lingfeng ... You must die!

凌枫这拿屁股想都知道是血手宗的人This ass knows that it is a bloody hand

龙鹏(凌枫,你有没有看到血手宗亲人)(Ling Feng, have you seen the blood clan)

凌枫(杀了一个跑了一个)(Kill one and run one)

龙九(老大,这个人是宗主的贴身高手)(eldest brother, this man is the patriarch's personal master)

龙鹏(不是我们要找的人……靠又跟丢了。)(Not the man we are looking for ... Shit, I lost him again. )

龙鹏(凌枫,考虑的怎么样了,加不加入我们?)(Ling Feng, how's it going? Will you join us? )

凌枫(可以,不过我有一个要求,我不想做的事你们不能逼迫我做)Yes, but I have a request. You can't force me to do what I don't want to do.

龙鹏(好,龙九,把东西给他)(OK, Long Jiu, give him something)

龙九(拿去这是龙组成员的基本装备,出任务的时候一定要带好)(Take it. This is the basic equipment of the members of the Dragon Group. You must take it with you when you go out.)

凌枫(好,那我就先走了)(好,那我就先走了)(OK, I'll go first.)

五爪金龙(该死的,大鹏鸟,该死的凌枫你们都要死!)(Damn it, Dapeng Bird, damn Lingfeng, you will all die! )

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