话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(眧狩,上去随便打,输2把就行,最后一把打爆对面!)(Inauguration, go up and play casually, just lose 2, and finally blow the opposite side! )

眧狩(好!)(good! )

向阳(我们确定让他上啊,这细胳膊细腿的,你确定吗?)(We are sure to let him go, this one with thin arms and legs, are you sure? )

凌枫(放心,我还会坑你吗?)(Rest assured, I will pit you? )

(眧狩上场了)(Sakhalin is on the stage)

不重要的路人甲(哈哈,看我打爆你!)(Ha ha, watch me blow you up! )

眧狩(来吧,让你一拳)(come on, let you punch)

不重要的路人甲(核啊!)(Nuclear! )


向阳(这演的也太像了吧,能吐血?)(This is too similar, can you vomit blood? )

不重要的路人甲(哈哈哈!他不堪一击!)(Ha ha ha! He is vulnerable! )

(现场的人看见眧狩吐血,纷纷疯狂了起来)(people at the scene went crazy when they saw the inaugural vomiting blood.)

眧狩的赔率也翻了一倍。)The odds of hunting have doubled. )

不重要的路人甲(狂点那小子都能一拳撩到你,我一根手指头就能捏死你!哈哈哈)(Crazy point that boy can lift you with one punch, and I can pinch you to death with one finger! Hahaha)

眧狩(呵呵……)(ha ha .....)


眧狩咳咳咳!)Ahem! Ahem! )

不重要的路人甲(呜呜呜!!!!废物!废物!)(meowed! ! ! ! Schrotten! Schrotten! )

凌枫(眧狩,最后一场,往死里打!)(Inauguration, the last game, fight to the death! )

眧狩(好的……)(OK ...)

不重要的路人甲(下一个,是今晚的重磅人物!大鹏鸟!)(Next, it's the big shot tonight! Dapeng bird! )

凌枫(呵呵,有点意思)(Ha ha, interesting)

眧狩(反正他们看不见我,老子要下死手了!)(anyway, they can't see me, Lao tze want to die! )

凌枫(No, it's good to beat half dead)(不至于,打个半死不活就好了)

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