话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



青云宗宗主(你敢走我就告诉班主任你逃课!)I'll tell the class teacher that you skipped class! )

凌枫(你去吧,我刚好去灭绝师太哪里请假,要不要一起啊?(You go, I just went to ask for leave. Do you want to join us?

凌枫(向阳,走了)(Xiangyang, leaving)


青云宗宗主(…啊啊啊啊,王哥,你找的人靠不靠谱,学校门口见)(... Ahhh, Wang Ge, the person you are looking for is unreliable, see you at the school gate)

凌枫(李老师我和向阳来请假)(Mr. Li, Xiangyang and I came to ask for leave)


凌枫(我家着火了,他家煤气泄漏了)My house is on fire, and his gas has leaked.

李美诗(……你当我是傻子?敢不敢再扯淡一点?)(..... You think I'm a fool? Dare to talk nonsense again? )

凌枫(就是有点事)(Just something)

李美诗(2张请假条给你,赶紧滚)(2 leave notes for you, get out of here)

凌枫(好的,谢谢老师)(OK, thank you, teacher)

李美诗(唉……真拿你没办法)(alas ..... I can't help it)

向阳(哥们牛逼啊,灭绝师太你都能搞定)(Dude is awesome, you can get rid of the teacher.)

凌枫(小意思,走去网吧,晚上还要打工呢)(Nothing, walk to the Internet cafe, and work at night)

向阳(真有你的,凌枫,你爸妈还好吧)(Good for you, Ling Feng, how are your parents?)

凌枫(还行,身体都不错就是我妈的病好没钱治啊)(Not bad, my health is good, but my mother is ill and has no money to cure it.)

向阳(凌枫我知道一个超级赚钱的活……不过很危险,如果你真的需要钱的话你可以去试试)(Ling Feng, I know a super profitable job ... but it is very dangerous. If you really need money, you can try it.)

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