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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(呼……这大夏天的,热死我了,该死的主管把伞霸占了,我真命苦啊)(shout ... this summer, it's killing me. The damn supervisor has taken over the umbrella. I'm really miserable.)

系统(你苦个屁啊,你这不是有我吗)(You are bitter, don't you have me?)

凌枫(靠,传说中的金手指被我一个大学生碰上了,真不错啊)(Depend, the legendary golden finger was met by a college student of mine, which is really good.)

系统(全能签到系统,小伙子,签个到?)(Universal sign-in system, young man, sign in? )

凌枫(签!看看能出什么好东西)(sign! See what good things can be produced)

系统(异世界高手一个……)(A master of different worlds ...)

凌枫(有什么用……)(What's the use ...)

系统(异世界高手唉,这个世界没人是他的对手啊)(Master of different worlds, alas, no one in this world is his opponent)

凌枫(真的假的,你去把我该死的主管打一顿?)(Really, you're going to beat up my damn supervisor? )

眧狩(好!)(good! )

凌枫(我靠,跑这么快,这是真的吗?)(I depend, run so fast, is this true? )

系统(好了,你签到完了,明天见)(Well, you have finished signing in, see you tomorrow.)

凌枫(靠,这系统真不靠谱,呼下班了,会宿舍吧)(Depend, this system is really unreliable, call off work, go to the dormitory)

白云大学宿舍《》Baiyun University Dormitory

向阳(回来了,打工打的怎么样啊)(I'm back. How was my job?)

凌枫(当然是苦啊,太阳底下晒了7个小时……)(Of course it's bitter, it's been in the sun for 7 hours ...)

向阳(一边上学一边打工还真是辛苦你了)It's really hard for you to work while going to school.

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