期待生活有惊喜 盼望事事有回应.
Expect a surprise in life, expect a response.
The unsuspecting port is always full of flowers.
耐心听我讲废话的人 真的很温柔.
The man who listens patiently to my nonsense is really gentle.
与理想平等交易 与喧嚣保持距离.
Trade on an equal footing with ideals and keep your distance from the hustle and bustle.
I'm not in a hurry to be liked for this.
Being planned for the future life is the top romance.
细节胜过所有情话 陪伴胜过所有语言.
Details speak more than all words, companionship trumps all languages.
幸与不幸都会有尽头 平平安安就好.
Fortunately and unfortunately there will be an end to peace and security.
一靠近你 我就有满格的喜欢.
As soon as I get close to you, I have a full like.
You're the only surprise I'll ever meet in my life.