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第二章 让人一看就觉得哇 好拽的文案!



I'm in love with you. I'll find a way to fall in love with you

你难过了一定要跟我讲 让我知道你也有今天

When you are sad, you must tell me, let me know you have today


I got rabies vaccine. Do you think I'm afraid of you

别欺负我 奥特曼是我好大哥

Don't bully me. Altman is my big brother


The flowers are picked up on the road and sent to you because you can't find the garbage can


Touch the scene, you take up two words


Life in prison is no better than that


You look pretty if you're not ugly


Which page of Shanhaijing are you on?


If I'm in a bad mood, I can screw my head off for you


Because I want to win, you have to lose. Maybe you have to cry


I can't stop you from running to something better than me, but what did you run to?


I still can't forget you. I think of you as soon as I see the garbage can on the side of the road

下巴抬高点眼神冷漠点必要时嘴巴微张没人会看出你的胆怯 别人问起就说是水瓶座的拽姐教的,懂?

Chin up, eyes cold, if necessary, mouth slightly open, no one will see your timidity, others ask, it's Aquarius drag sister teach, understand?

英雄不问出处 美女干饭不问斤数

Heroes don't ask where they come from, beauties don't ask how much they eat

你摇一摇头 看看有没有大海的声音

You shake your head to see if there is the sound of the sea


In fact, it's very easy to destroy a boy. You just need to put your arms around his neck, sit on his lap, and whisper in his ear that there is no Dega Altman in the world


I'm here to support her, not to do justice


I don't have a good memory recently. I forgot if I gave you a face.

上一章 第一章“你和我,还是散场了”文案 文案管理社最新章节 下一章 第三章 “太黏人的小朋友会被丢掉的”文案