Chat record I cut a small composition I wrote the voice I collected the cry also cry should say also said I really try my best but the outcome is not what I want.
可是总会有人喜欢我小小的个子 肉嘟嘟的脸蛋 疯疯癫癫的样子 无理取闹的性格 最重要的是不会因为我经常说反话而离开我.
But there will always be people who like my little, meaty face, crazy look, unreasonable personality, and most importantly, they will not leave me because I often say sarcastic things.
最大的遗憾就是 认识你 然后失去你 还瞒着所有人继续爱你.
The biggest regret is to know you and then lose you still keep loving you from everyone.
我会遇到很多有趣的人 然后忘记你.
I will meet a lot of interesting people and then forget you.
We all love the things we can't hold.