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本书标签: 短篇  北极星文社  R1SE     




Memory is a bridge leading to the prison of loneliness.


The stability of small cities is enviable, and the neon of big cities is also hesitant. We always yearn for stability in our hearts, but we are not mediocre in our bones.3、当一切都随风而逝的时候,那些特别的瞬间都变成了永恒。

When everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity.


Time has changed everything, everything has changed us; originally disliked, now used to; once wanted, now do not need; at first very persistent, later very free and easy.5、昨夜星辰又星辰,总有一些人成了不归人。

Last night the stars and stars, there are always some people who did not return.


Some show off, some search frantically, some forget who they are, some are hysterical and hopeless!7、成长就是妥协与坚持的两难。

Growth is a dilemma between compromise and persistence.


Sometimes a person really will stare at a place in a daze for a long time, back to find that you are not looking at the scenery.9、孤独时,可以喝酒,可以打游戏,可以痛哭流涕,但不要思念一个不爱你的人。

Lonely, you can drink, you can play games, you can cry, but don't miss a person who doesn't love you.10、世界上,无法言说的遗憾,它藏在眼泪里,落在岁月里,输在倔强里;然后,消失在人海里。

The world, unspeakable regret, it hid in tears, fell in the years, lost in the stubborn; Then, disappear into a sea of people.

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