(一)购物前讨论Before shopping.
LiuWhy don't we go shopping.我们为什么不去购物呢?
LiuI'm making a shopping list.我在列购物清单。
LiuShopping around is really a must.购物货比三家很有必要。
(二)货比三家 Shopping around.
cI'm just looking around.我只是看看。
cCould I have a look this XX,please.我可以看看这个吗?
cIt's on sale for 125 Yuan.现在搞特价125元。
On sale降价促销
cI'm looking for purple leather bag.我找一个紫色的皮包。
cHow much is this one?这个多少钱?
(三)试衣服 Trying.
officerI wear size M.我穿中码。
officerI want to try this on.我想试穿这个。
officerDo you have this in a smaller size.这件有小一点的吗?
officerCan I have a size larger.可以给我个大一点的吗?
officerWhere is the fitting room.试衣间在哪里?
officerIt's too short.太短了。
officerIt's too tight.太紧了。
officerIt's too long.太长了。
officerIt's too small.太小了。
officerIt's too big.太大了。
officerThis is just my size.这刚好是我的尺寸。
职员Our prices are fixed.我们这儿不讲价。
职员That's more than I wanted to pay.大大的超出了我的预期。
职员Could the price be less.能便宜点吗?
职员What would be the lowest price.最低价是多少?
职员I'd buy it right away if it were cheaper.如果便宜点儿,我马上就买了。
职员I'll take it.我买了。
职员The two bills come up to $213.这两个单子一共213美元。
职员Do you take credit cards.你们接受信用卡吗?
职员Can you make out an invoice for me, please?能给我开张发票吗?
LiuMay I trouble you to wrapping them for me? Please?可以麻烦你帮我们打包一下吗?
LiuCould you put this in a separate bag.可以分开装吗?