入境卡:Arrival Card\Landing Card\Disembarkation Card.
海关申报表:Customs Declaration Card
officerCitizen ?Visitor?本国公民还是游客?
officerWhere are you from?\Where do you come from?你来自哪里?
LiuI’m from China.\I come from China.我来自中国。 注意:问什么答什么,be问be答。
officerMay I see your passport please?我能看看你的护照吗?
LiuHere is my passport/Here it is.这是我的护照。
officerWhat’s the purpose of you visit?你来是干什么的?
LiuSightseeing\I’m on vacation\Travel\I’m on a trip.观光\度假\旅行。 For business\study\visit my friends.公务\留学\拜访朋友。
officerDo you have any relatives living here in this country?是否有亲属
LiuYes \No.有\没有
officerWhere are you staying?将住在哪儿?
LiuI will stay at Boston Hotel.我将住在波士顿酒店。
officerDo you have a return ticket to Shanghai.是否有上海回程机票。
LiuYes ,here it is .看,这是回程机票。
officerHow long will you be staying in the States?预计在美国停留多久?
LiuI plan to stay for about 10days?预计停留十天。
officerHow much money do you have with you?你随身携带多少现金?
LiuI have 800 dollars.大约800美元。
officerDo you have anything to declare?你有什么东西需要申报?
LiuNo .nothing.\Yes,I have filled out the form accordingly.没有/已经填好了。
officerPlease place your thumb on the scanner.大拇指放在扫描仪上。 Look at the camera.看镜头
Carry-on luggage:随身行李,可以带上飞机的小箱子
Checked luggage:托运的行李
Personal bags:个人包包,小背包
LiuWhere is the check-in counter for Flight CA841?哪个柜台办理托运?
职员Do you have any luggage to check in?你要行李托运吗?
LiuYes,this is my carry-on luggage and I’ll check in these two suitcases。 这是我的随身行李,我要托运这两个手提箱 。
职员Place them on the scales,please.把他们放在磅秤上。
LiuWhat is the limit?允许带多少?
职员The limit is 20 kilos per person.每个人限额是20千克。
LiuExcuse me,Where is the luggage claim area?请问行李领取处在哪儿?
职员Please present your luggage tag.请出示你的票根。
LiuWe may have lost some baggage.so we’d like to make a lost baggage report.我们可能遗失了行李,所以得填份遗失报告。
职员May I have your air ticket and claim tag?机票和行李单
LiuHere they are.这里
职员Well,then,would you fill out this form?And also we need your signature here.好的,然后填表并在这里签名。
Flight number,name:航班号和名字
Home address\Hotel address:家庭住址\酒店地址
Phone number:电话号码
LiuHow soon will you deliver my luggage?我的行李多久送来?
LiuHopefully by tomorrow evening.希望是明天晚上。
职员When is the expected date of your departure?打算什么时候离境?
LiuI’m going to return next week .我下周返回。
职员Oh,It’s OK.:好的。
LiuMy luggage seems to be damaged我的行李似乎损坏了。
LiuYou need to take responsibility for my luggage.你们应该为行李负责。