I think my背影is very帅气。是那种very
different的帅。和you guys see everyday 的那种不同, my背影is young...不对, uniq..ue?嗯,大概拼对了。
lf三班的everyone wear the same 款式的衣服,and then walk around 操场,那么the first帅哥you Look at must be me .
My dad老贺曾经telled me,boy shave to be不光硬气,而且还要有绅士风度。这一点在my背影上showed very well.
If you look at my背影,you will see that绅士风度和硬朗感融合together, and make出a very hardto tell( 难以言喻)的独特风格and魅力。
OLdHealsosaid,判断apeople‘S背影isreal帅气or not的其中一条标准,就是see whet...weather he can hold 住different colors and风格的
There is no need to say I can hold 住different
colors and 风格的衣服。毕竟everything尽在不言中。毕竟群众的eyes are snowy and bright.
I believe , from study 委to my desk neighbor , fromOLd Tang to Mr. Wu , everyone 同意以上那些me,对myself 的very right的评价。
! can‘t help but say, my背影isso帅气!