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本书标签: 校园  文案  明星     




You're so addicted to the past, I mean it's time you looked ahead


Time will make me forget you, so you don't have to say those hurtful words to me anymore


In fact, I have prompted, you perfunctory so obvious, how can I not understand it?


I'm looking forward to your sending me a message, but you haven't, so I choose not to disturb you. It's no use liking. It's no use liking more. It's only useful to like each other.


A princess without a knight will eventually learn to grow up

我们的故事好像洋务运动 轰轰烈烈 却以失败告终

Our story is like the Westernization Movement, which ended in failure


I'll remember your unintentional favoritism for a long time

很多事情放一放 放一放 放到不想要了 释怀就好了.

A lot of things, just let go if you don't want them.

没关系的 大家都会做错选择 会莫名其妙流眼泪 走在路上会突然崩溃 但并不影响我去看晚霞 再次爱这个世界

It doesn't matter that everyone will make the wrong choice, will shed tears inexplicably, walk on the road will suddenly collapse, but it doesn't affect me to see the sunset, love the world again

老人说:糟蹋别人的真心 总会有一个人双倍还回来的 莫失言 莫失德 莫失品 天道好轮回 苍天饶过谁

The old man said: there will always be one person who will pay back the sincerity of others twice. Don't lose his words, don't lose his virtue, don't lose his virtue, don't lose his good reincarnation, who will be spared by heaven


The sense of security is meaningless. It's as if the details are cheap

上一章 关于星河的文案 文字之案最新章节 下一章 心酸文案第二弹