来的时候是夏天 去的时候也是夏天 一张试卷一张毕业照 我们就解散了下个夏天 这间教室又坐满了人 可惜那不再是我们 试卷最后一笔的完成 笔一放 看下时间 抬头望着窗外 我们的故事结束了全剧终 再也没有续集了 再也不能听到老师讲的那些大道理 再也不能与老师玩那些小“游戏” 再也不能回到童年 只能愿此去前程似锦 再相遇仍似故人
It's summer when we come and it's summer when we go. With an exam paper and a graduation photo, we'll be dissolved. Next summer, this classroom is full of people. Unfortunately, it's no longer the last stroke in our world. Compare the time, look up and look out of the window. Our story is over. There's no sequel at the end of the play, and we can't hear the teacher's words, I can't play those little games with my teacher any more, I can't go back to my childhood any more, I can only hope that my future is bright, I will meet again, and I will still miss my old friends
This summer, we will end our six-year friendship and exchange it for a holiday without homework. If there is no accident, I wish you a bright future. Some people will never see each other in the future, right?
天很蓝 风很热 期待我们下一次相遇.
The sky is blue, the wind is hot, looking forward to our next meeting
Gather is a fire, scatter is a sky full of stars, wish us a bright future, live up to the years
“椅子上坐满了人,我们的夏天开始了” “椅子空了,我们的夏天也结束了” “等到下一个夏天,教室里依然坐满了人,但不再是从前的我们了……”
The chairs are full of people, our summer begins, the chairs are empty, our summer is over, until the next summer, the classroom is still full of people, but we are no longer what we used to be
毕业啦 下次挽着你的手一起去厕所是什么时候
Graduation. When is the next time you go to the toilet with your hands anyway?
“毕业没有轰轰烈烈的分别 只是在某个平静的下午 像往常一样放学,却再也没回来”
There is no grand difference in graduation, just in a quiet afternoon, as usual, after school but never come back
曾经以为校服是一种束约 现在才知 那才是最无忧无虑的日子。
I used to think that school uniform was a kind of binding, but now I know that is the most carefree day
时间一到 卷子一交 我们就成为了老师口中的上一届.
As soon as the time came and the papers were handed in, we became the last class of teachers
The message board full of graduation season, the sunset in the evening, the skirt raised by the wind, our eyes are red. This is the best. We are the best in the world
At first, graduation is far away, and in the twinkling of an eye, we will go our separate ways
This class is too proud, no class to speak, but still very warm, greetings between students, pressure textbook copy homework, take a look at the exam, now can remember, will feel very kind, I just want to hold fleeting time, good, goodbye, regret, thank you, can't go back, yesterday I just want to remember this moment
山水一程,三生有幸 就此别过,莫问前程 山高水长,江湖莫忘 在广袤的空间 和无限的时间中 能与你们共享一颗 行星和同一段时光 是我的荣幸 尚未配妥剑,转眼便江湖 愿历尽千帆,归来仍是少年 纵有千古,横有八荒 前途似海,来日方长 从此一别,隔世经年 山长水阔,唯愿君平安喜乐 不知流年,前途似海 我们以梦为马,不负韶华 一篇诗,一斗酒 一曲长歌,一剑天涯!
It's my great honor to share a planet and the same time with you in the vast space and infinite time. I'd like to come back from thousands of sails. I'm still a young man. Even though I've been through thousands of years, I have eight wastelands. My future is like the sea, and I have a long way to go, The mountains are long and the waters are broad. I only wish you peace and happiness. I don't know that the future is like the sea. We take our dreams as our horses and live up to the rhyme. A poem, a pot of wine, a long song and a sword go to the end of the world
我们从懵懵懂懂的小学生变成了成熟的初中生 一年级的列车,六年级到站,一年级的同学 六年级分别,一年级的老师,六年级的分离, 一年级的母校,六年级的分别,祝同学们前程似锦,未来可期 本次列车即将出发你准备好了吗
We have changed from ignorant primary school students to mature junior high school students. The first grade train, the sixth grade arrival, the first grade classmates and the sixth grade difference. The first grade teacher, the sixth grade separation, the first grade alma mater, the sixth grade separation, I wish the students a bright future, the future can be habitat, this train is about to start, are you ready?
我们在一起了六年 却要转眼离去.
We've been together for six years, but we're going to leave
Remember the rush in buck? We parted in a hurry
六年级的乘客你好,你所乘坐的2015至2021的列车,即将到站,请您收拾好行李,下车时不要流泪,下车前再回头看一看和自己疯了六年的伙伴,或许我们10年后还会相见💔😶 一年级的是陌生,二年级的是朋友,三年级的说伙伴,四年级的说知己,五年级的是闺蜜,六年级的是离开,六年时光,最后却换来一句再见,再这个世界上有一种情侣服叫校服,有一首歌叫班歌,有一张照片叫毕业照,有一种再见叫我们毕业了,我们疯了六年,承受了9600节课,240个星期,12个学期,一张试卷考散了一群
Hello, sixth grade passenger, your 2015-2021 train is coming to the station. Please pack your bags and don't cry when you get off the train. Look back before you get off the train. Maybe we will meet a stranger in the first grade, a friend in the second grade, a confidant in the fourth grade and a friend in the fifth grade in ten years, Sixth grade is to leave six years time, finally in exchange for a goodbye, in this world, there is a kind of love uniform school uniform, there is a song called brother, there is a picture called graduation photo, there is a kind of love. There is a kind of goodbye, call us graduate, we are crazy for six years, bear 9600 classes. 240 weeks, 12 semesters, a test paper scattered a group of students