秦家有女,名苒,相貌绝代,身着黑衣,头顶黑帽,性格怪异。众人待她,俯首称臣,以敬吾神。 世有公子程隽,遗世而独立,淡漠而冷血,手握重权,品行不一。得见秦苒,抱美而归
There is a famous woman in the Qin family. She has a unique appearance. She is dressed in black clothes and a black hat. She has a strange personality. Many people lead her to bow to the throne. She is independent, indifferent and cold-blooded after her godless roommate Chengjun I. she holds great power and has different moral character
Qin ranyong is far above lovers
Jinran did not become a young princess, but she was spoiled by a group of big men and became the queen