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金牛座要的是实在 不搞那些花里胡哨

What Taurus wants is not to do all that fussy stuff

本金牛现最大目标好好学习,实际目标将来搞钱 然后将来给我喜欢的男孩子疯狂砸钱。

The Taurus to achieve the biggest goal, study hard, achieve the goal, in the future to make money, and then in the future to my boy crazy money

这世界不缺花瓶 只要你长得好看 别人就会多看你一眼 但我要是物质独立 别人就会高看我一眼

There is no shortage of vases in the world. As long as you look good, others will look at you more. But if I am material independent, others will look at me more

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