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本书标签: 小说同人 




Teenagers are teenagers. They look at the spring breeze, but they don't like the summer cicadas, they don't like the autumn breeze, they don't feel sad about the winter snow, they don't sigh about their wealth, they are lazy and they don't dare to face the public because they are teenagers

自信来源于实力 ,实力来源于勤奋 ,凌风破浪击长空 ,擎天揽日跃龙门 ,乾坤未定,你我皆是黑马.

Self confidence comes from strength, strength comes from diligence, Lin Feng rags against the sky, sunny day, the sun and moon, the sky is uncertain, you and I are black horses


On success or failure, heroic life, big deal

少年就是少年 东方不亮西方亮

Youth is youth, the East is not bright, the west is bright

追魂夺命流水线, 暗无天日鬼车间。 生死轮回两班倒, 废寝忘食终无言。加班加点不加薪,螺丝打到手抽筋。一顿操作猛如虎,工资到手二千五。初见不知提桶意,再见已是跑路人[奸笑]

The production line is dark, and the ghost workshop has a cycle of life and death. The two shifts forget to eat and sleep, and Zhong Wuyan works overtime without a pay rise. She is so tired that her hands are cramped, and her operation is as fierce as a tiger. Yeah. I don't know the meaning of lifting the bucket. Goodbye is a runner


It's just that human nature is sad. If you are weak, don't blame others for being strong

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