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一生,很短,浩然天地间匆匆一瞥:一生,很长,柴米油盐中茫然四顾。一生,很简单,春夏秋冬交替轮换:一生 ,很艰难 ,寒来暑往奔波劳苦。

Life is very short, and it's a glimpse of heaven and earth. Life is very long, and I look around in vain. Life, very simple, alternate rotation in spring, summer, autumn and winter: life, very difficult, toiling in the cold and summer.



Maturity consists of two parts, one is the pursuit of beauty, the other is the acceptance of imperfection.



In life, you should know right and wrong by not arguing for relief, worry by tolerating humiliation for wisdom, do things by doing your best for meritorious service, and treat people with sincerity as character. The strategy of being a man is: keep your mouth shut, understand what's in your heart, do what you do, and take your own path.



What is the future? The future is the reward of what you have done now, but now you just give up blindly, so there is no future.



Don't make promises when you are happy, don't answer when you are sad, and don't make decisions when you are angry. Look before you leap, and act wisely.

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