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Everyone's life is tailor-made. Now I was born because of you, and the future comes because of you. Taking the present seriously is the best arrangement for the future.



The real change is not to change majors or jobs, but to start from the heart and look at life from different perspectives.



If there is no one to shelter you from the wind and rain, then learn to overcome difficulties, face everything, and live a wonderful life with stubborn pride!



When people reach middle age, if there is no elegant appearance, they will inevitably have superficial appearance; If you don't look calm, you will inevitably look desperate.



There are advances and retreats in life, so don't expose your inner vulnerability easily. We are always young, and as we grow old, you will find that it is something to be proud of. It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. No one can give you light except yourself.

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