话本小说网 > 同人小说 > 世间英文情话——顧梓曦
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文案君今天想通的一件事就是 还是要把自己放在首位啊 任何时候都请优先考虑自己吧 以前也说过很多遍这样的话 就当是说一遍长一次记性吧One thing I figured out today is that I still have to put myself first. Please give priority to myself at any time. I have said this many times before. Let's just say it again and remember it once

文案君不能太期待一件事 太过期待就会忍不住在脑海中一遍遍预演这件事 然后因为种种意外 导致事情不能如预期般发展 最后就会特别失落If you can't expect something too much, you can't help rehearsing it over and over again in your mind. Then, because of various accidents, things can't develop as expected, and finally you will be particularly lost

文案君如果有机会 我们就一起去看山看海看潮起潮落 看风吹落枯萎的树叶看雨淋湿这片大地 看鸟儿飞翔看花儿凋落 看万物生长看万物凋零 我是说 和你 ​​​If we have the chance, we'll go to see the mountains, the sea, the ebb and flow of the tide, the wind blowing down the withered leaves, the rain getting wet in this land, the birds flying, the flowers dying, the growth of everything, the dying of everything. I mean with you

文案君在那堆微信好友名单里 总会有一个人 曾经那么热烈过 最终的结果却变成不删除 不拉黑 不联系 但我相信 你偶尔翻起通讯录看到这么一个人 内心还是会感到遗憾没能一起走下去In that pile of WeChat friends list, there will always be a person who has been so enthusiastic about the final result, but it has become no deletion, no blackening, no contact, but I believe that you occasionally turn up the address book and see such a person, and you will still feel sorry that you can't go together.

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