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我爱他脚下的土地,他头顶上的天空,他碰过的每件东西,他说过的每一句话——我爱他所有的一言一笑,一举一动,他整个的人,和他所有的一切 ——《呼啸山庄》 ​​

人的生命虽然本质上是孤独的东西,却不是孤立的存在。它总是在某个地方与别的生命相连 ——《1Q84》 村上春树

云鬓乱堆无掠,玉容未洗尘淄。一片兰心依旧,十分娇态倾颓。樱唇全无气血,腰肢屈屈偎偎。愁蹙蹙,蛾眉淡;瘦怯怯,语声低 ——《西游记》

人活世上,第一重要的还是做人,懂得自爱自尊,使自己有一颗坦荡又充实的灵魂,足以承受得住命运的打击,也配得上命运的赐予。倘能这样,也就算得上做命运的主人了—— 《做人和做事》周国平

I love the land under my feet, the sky above my head, everything he touched, everything he said-I love all my words, smiles, every move, all his people and everything-Wuthering Heights is a lonely thing in nature, but it is not an isolated existence. It's always connected with other life somewhere-"1Q84" Haruki Murakami's clouds and temples are piled up without plunder, and the jade is not washed. A blue heart remains, very coquettish and decadent. There is no qi and blood in the lips, and the waist bends and cuddles. Worried and frowning, the moth eyebrows are pale; Thin and timid, low voice-The Journey to the West people live in the world, the first important thing is to be a human being, know how to love and respect themselves, and make themselves have an open and substantial soul, which can withstand the blow of fate and deserve the gift of fate. If you can do this, you can be the master of fate —— Zhou Guoping in Being and Doing.

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